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Uhvatio sam juce lepu kvotu na Cle. Bez Greena su nista. Trudi se Mixon, al ne moze samWild Raven ::Sinsinati je trenutno najgora ekipa u ligi bez premca. Kakav crni Sinsinati.
Peyton Manning ::NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports the Broncos are not sending Chris Harris (fibula) to injured reserve.
Harris suffered a fractured fibula against the Bengals, but Denver is hopeful he will be able to return for the playoffs if they make it that far.
Broncos believe that WR Emmanuel Sanders tore his Achilles during practice today, per source. Team usually can tell right away, but it will conduct tests on Sanders to confirm. But early belief is torn Achilles.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) December 5, 2018
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