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New England Patriots

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Miki HOF
12 posters

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51New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pon 08 Jan 2024, 18:46



pa sta da dobijemo za ovog nosaca dzakova. bar da zna voziti vozilo za dzakove.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

52New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pon 08 Jan 2024, 19:01



New England Patriots - Page 3 GDVS_ORWAAAOrPO?format=jpg&name=small

tako je i prosao.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

53New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 05:16

Miki HOF

Miki HOF

sta ti je minuli rad, bilo ko drugi...

New England Patriots - Page 3 Z

54New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 07:39



jutros razmisljam. Bili ima 71 godinu. to su ozbiljne godine i za setnju pored keja a ne stresni posao HC, GM, DC, OC, CST, cistacice, semenkara, magacionera. jutros citam insajdere iz Bostona . svi se slazu. matorog ni lopatom ne mozes oterati iz Bostona.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

55New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 07:53


NFL Player
NFL Player

Izgleda da mu nije problem da nakupi još 70-80 poraza..
Sahraniće ga na sred žilet stadiona.

56New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 08:04



jedan fan je lepo napisao .

BB has always been about doing what is right for the organization and best for the team. Yesterday losing is what is best for the team. So take it all with a grain of salt.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

57New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 08:50


NFL Player
NFL Player

dr.dule ::jedan fan je lepo napisao .

BB has always been about doing what is right for the organization and best for the team. Yesterday losing is what is best for the team. So take it all with a grain of salt.
Standardne floskule u vezi Bila..

58New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 19:00



covek pogodio u centar . postovao sam ovog momka a sada ga postujem jos vise .

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

59New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 19:07



New England Patriots - Page 3 1750608530

Mike Vrabel to Patriots fans in October: “I want you not to take this organization for granted. I’ve been a lot of places. This is a special place with great leadership, great fans, great direction, great coaching.

"Enjoy it. It’s not like this everywhere.”

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

60New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 19:20



glasine kazu ako ostane Bili , Pioli ide na mesto GM a stakor na mesto OC.

Bobi Kraft ce morati doneti tesku odluku.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

61New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 19:30


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Sad kad je Vrabel slobodan, Kraft moze da trejduje Bilija za pika 5 runde i ves masinu u Washington recimo. Cisto da i Bili vidi kako je to.

62New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 20:01



dovoljno ce biti pik 7 runde i da povede i sinove.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

63New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Uto 09 Jan 2024, 20:40



New England Patriots - Page 3 GDWMn4mXAAAOZQA?format=jpg&name=900x900

kada krenu igraci da lajkuju ovo , vreme je da gazda resi nered.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

64New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 10:34



BoBi Kraft tihuje. ne zna sta da radi.
ne znam da li Vrabel malo da odmori godinu dana. da recimo bude asistent Biliju i upozna se sa situacijom u klubu pa tek 2025 preuzme tim.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

65New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 10:44



JAN. 9 PATRIOTS GETTING "BAND' BACK TOGETHER? - First we all thought Belichick was gone and the Patriots were staring a complete tear down of the organization, down to the studs of the foundation. But now, as more information trickles in, one of the options this offseason is apparently just a tweaked remodel featuring bringing back the old as new.

In an initial discussion with Kraft Monday, Belichick reportedly floated the idea of bringing back offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels. Now comes word that former personnel director Scott Pioli has also been sniffing around a return to Foxboro.

McDaniels has six Super Bowl rings; Pioli three.

So Kraft is apparently a foundational fork in the road: Fire Mick Jagger, or bring back the entire Rolling Stones for a reunion tour.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

66New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 10:49

Miki HOF

Miki HOF

Dulo, ovo ti najveci izazov do sada u karijeri

kako opraviti ovaj haos

67New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 10:57



bice cupavo

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

68New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 11:36



da dopunim Mikija. za ovih 24 leta Bilija od Beliceka nisam mogao ni da sanjam da ce ovakav nered da napravi. zasta se godi uhvatis trulez nevidjeni. ovde realno treba bar 3 sezone da se ovo sredi.

OL - ocaj
WR - ocaj
TE - ocaj jer su svi slobodni
RB - jedan komad ali nepouzdan
QB - sta reci kada nisu ni za pumpu

DL - Balmor i Vajt dobri ostali za poterat
DE - Judon mator a ostali FA
LB - ajd nit smrdne nit mirisu
S - jedan FA, jedan dobar a ostali za oterat
CB - ruki vec sakat a ostali bljak

K - zali boze onaj pogodak u Denveru sve ostalo ispromasivao
P - posluzice
ST kapiten otisao na pecanje

strucni stab zreo da se ceo Ofanzivni najuri a opet nisu ni imali sa kime radit. Defanzivni stab dobar.
GM los tj nikakav. HC senilan i sujetan
Gazda matori perveznjak.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

69New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 11:43


NFL Player
NFL Player

Kad staviš te činjenice na što, oteraš trenera u roku od 24h..
Ovde prošlo više od 24h, samo analitičari nešto mrse muda, a čini mi se da Bil neće nigde.
Planiraju Bob i Bil da požive još 100 godina,a do tad će da se slože neke kockice..

70New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 12:20


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Pa pazi najbolja solucija je da uzmu Vrabela na godinu da se opet privikne na Boston, onda Bil posle sledece sezone u penziju a Vrabel vec upoznat sa sranjem koje je Bil napravio

71New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 14:01



da je Vrabel pametan a nadamo se da jeste onda ce tako da uradi.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

72New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 14:28



Ovdje se kuju veliki planovi vidim...

If you want to run, run a mile.

If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.

If you want to talk to God, run an ultra.

73New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 14:38



Sta da se radi. 20 godina bilo uspeha sad smo u blatu a dokle to ne znamo.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 3 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

74New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 14:53



Do daljnjega...

If you want to run, run a mile.

If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.

If you want to talk to God, run an ultra.

75New England Patriots - Page 3 Empty Re: New England Patriots Sre 10 Jan 2024, 16:27


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Vrabel, 48, is believed to be Robert Kraft’s “home run” choice as next head coach, per sources close to the Patriots. Kraft could still keep Belichick, especially if it also means bringing back Josh McDaniels to fix the offense and someone like Scott Pioli to oversee player acquisition.

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