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New England Patriots

Niger iz huda
Miki HOF
13 posters

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Ići dole  Poruka [Strana 6 od 11]

126New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:00


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Neki kazu Raidersi se vec javili

127New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:01



cuj oni. vec placaju xxx miliona za dva HC.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

128New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:09



"At heart, I will always be a sentimental sports fan, so this is a very emotional day for me," Patriots owner Robert Kraft said. "Some of my happiest and most memorable moments were celebrated with my family during Bill's tenure here. I recognize that it also is a very emotional day for many of our fans, and most of our fans. As it represents the end of an era, one that hopefully will always be celebrated in this region. The man standing to my left brought the leadership and coaching skills that were needed to make this type of unprecedented success that we have had possible.

"Coach Belichick will forever be celebrated as a legendary sports icon here in New England, and I believe go in as a Pro Football Hall of Famer on the first ballot. Why? Because he is the greatest coach of all time, which makes this decision to part ways so hard. But this is a move that we mutually agreed that is needed at this time. What Bill accomplished with us, in my opinion, will never be replicated. And the fact that it was done in the salary-cap and free-agency era makes it even more extraordinary. I thank Coach Bill for his hard work and dedication. It will be difficult to see him in a cut-off hoodie on the sideline, but I always will continue to wish him continued success except when he's playing our beloved Patriots. I thank you all for coming here today and being part of this celebration."

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

129New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:12



nekako mi cudno sada posle 24 godine. navikao se na matorog Zagorca ali navike se menjaju. u znak postovanja moj potpis ce ici njemu u predstojecim godinama tuge i draft almanaha. ali sam naucio svih ovih godina . mi smo Pats.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

130New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:22

Niger iz huda

Niger iz huda
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Ode americki SAF. Sad

Jbga, da vidimo kakva je pregovaracka pozicija i ko ce biti naslednik.

131New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:23



a jest stvarno. sva troje Hrvata u 1 danu. Kerol, Saban i Belicek.

jel ostao neko u nfl.u sa balkana osim onog gm cincinatija.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

Niger iz huda likes this post

132New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:27

Miki HOF

Miki HOF

kosmicka pravda je da preuzme Jetse, nakon sto ih ispalio onako

133New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:30



kosmicka pravda je da ode sa Sabanom, Kerolom na pecanje na jadran. pa ljudi preko 70 leta. vreme je da uzivaju. pecaju i gledaju mlade guze.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

134New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Čet 11 Jan 2024, 19:56


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Iskreno gledao bih show sa njih trojicom kako idu po hrvatskom primorju, pecaju, gledaju svabice u toplesu i svadjaju se sa ribarima oko cene ribe

135New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 09:26


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

The Patriots hadn’t given a homegrown top-100 draft pick a second contract in six years, with the last deal going to ’13 third-rounder Duron Harmon. The last first-rounder to get an extension was Dont’a Hightower in ’12

136New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 09:54



toliko kako se dobro draftovalo.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

137New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 11:56


NFL Player
NFL Player

Svaka Bilu čast na svemu što je uradio, al je verovatno ovaj razlaz najbolji potez za obe strane..
Franšizi je sad potrebno,ako bude bilo sreće bar pet godina da se dočepa neke zelene grane, a matori ko zna gde će biti do tad.
Klubovi koji traže trenera su u skoro pa istoj situaciji kao Patriotsi, pa ne znam hoće li i oni posegnuti za kratkoročnim rešenjem..
Veliku stvar je uradio i mislim da mu je najpametnije da se ne hvata ćoravog posla i kalja svoj ugled osim ako mu ne ponudi posao neko od trenutnih favorita, što je ipak mala šansa.

138New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 12:29


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Ako Dalas ispadne od GB ne bi me cudilo da Jerry pozove Bila ipak je i Parcelsa tako uzeo a Dalas nije kao da je u rebuild modu imaju oni materijala za SB

139New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 12:51


NFL Player
NFL Player

Ne verujem da će i Dalas da otpušta.
Fino izgleda i napad i odbrana.
Mada me živo zanima kako bi Dak i Cee Dee funkcionisali pod Bilom, jer je matori ubica ofanzivnog talenta u zadnje vreme.
Elem, mislim da bi bile vrlo male šansa da to klikne kao Tom i Tampa.

140New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:48



The New England Patriots will embark on a new era with Jerod Mayo as the head coach.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported on Friday morning that the Patriots have hired Mayo to be the replacement for Bill Belichick, who mutually agreed to part ways with the team on Thursday.

Owner Robert Kraft wanted to move fast on a hire, and he did so by hiring the No. 1 in-house option in Mayo, who reportedly was already part of a succession plan to eventually replace the greatest coach of all time.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

141New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:53

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Ovo je ocigledno bilo vec spremno..gde ce Vrabel onda...

142New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:56



ma to se valjda znalo jos prosle zime. samo ne znam da li su imali info o Vrabelu pa nisu hteli da cekaju.

cestitke Majonezu i zelja da godine tuge ne bude vise od sledecih 2 sezone.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

143New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:57


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Ma nisam optimista sa Mayom

144New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:58



nema mnogo sta da izgubi. bice ocajni svakako. pa nek uci iz boravka u blatu.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

145New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 14:59


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

S konja na magarca. Koji ce dobar GM da dodje a da ne izabere svog HC?

146New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 15:22


NFL Player
NFL Player

Što bi imali najskupljeg trenera za 4 pobede godišnje.
To će Mayo da uradi za mnogo povoljniju cenu.
Bio je dobar igrač. Nek bude i takav trener.
Srećno mu bilo.

147New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 15:32


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Samo mi nema logike, izbacis najboljeg trenera kojeg si ikad imao za lika koga je taj trener naucio svemu i ostavis celokupni staff na mestu. Znaci s konja na magarca

148New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 15:43


NFL Player
NFL Player

Lova i dugoročni ciljevi. Jedina logika.
Bil ima 71 god i ne verujem da ima u sebi više od 3-4 sezone. Za to vreme ovde ništa neće da krene na bolje.
E sad Mayo košta bar 5 miki po sezoni manje od Bila, a vlasnici su od one škrte fele, pa mi to jedina logika u ovom slučaju.

149New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 15:51



mislim da je caka u tome sto kaze Bobi Kraft. nije mogao da uzme Biliju mesto GM. ovako ce dovesti nekog a Majonez ce da uci u porazima.

2024 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

New England Patriots - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

150New England Patriots - Page 6 Empty Re: New England Patriots Pet 12 Jan 2024, 15:57


Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

New England Patriots - Page 6 Qc74cy10

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