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FA pijaca 2017

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Danijel Lg
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Peyton Manning
18 posters

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126FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pet 03 Mar 2017, 10:35



Jimmy Garoppolo - QB - Patriots
A league source told the Cleveland Plain Dealer the Patriots are willing to trade Jimmy Garoppolo "if the offer is right."
This disputes a report from ESPN's Adam Schefter. "Everything is still on the table," a source told the Plain Dealer. It's notable that this would appear in a Cleveland paper, as the Patriots would likely be willing to do business with a quarterback-needy team they don't see as a threat. The Browns check both of those boxes and have the ammunition to satisfy New England's demands. The Plain Dealer thinks the Patriots "will want a first-round pick and more."

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

127FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pet 03 Mar 2017, 13:07



According to @Adam Schefter, the # San Francisco 49ers , traded its first (2018),  second (2017) ,fourth(2017), and sixth-round (2019) selections to Patriots in exchange for Jimmy Garoppolo Very Happy

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

128FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pet 03 Mar 2017, 16:52



dr.dule ::According to @Adam Schefter, the # San Francisco 49ers , traded its first (2018),  second (2017) ,fourth(2017), and sixth-round (2019) selections to Patriots in exchange for Jimmy Garoppolo Very Happy

Dali bi ja prifatil ovaa ponuda? Smile

129FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pet 03 Mar 2017, 18:10



slabo je to. Browns mogu bolje

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

130FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 10:59



Jimmy Garoppolo remains a member of the New England Patriots heading into the final day of action at the 2017 NFL Scouting Combine. A player many thought might be on the move by now as quarterback-needy teams searched for answers, Garoppolo’s asking price is apparently far too steep at this time.

“No team has come anywhere close to meeting the Patriots’ demands in a potential trade for Tom Brady’s backup, according to a source,” writes Jeff Howe of the Boston Herald. “There has definitely been some interest, and the Patriots have listened, but they won’t unload Garoppolo unless a team meets their price.”

Heading into the 2017 season, the Patriots have unbelievable leverage.

Garoppolo has already shown himself capable of handling himself on an NFL playing field, even if his experience is scant. The free agency market is about as barren as the Sahara, and while there is talent to be found in the draft, not one quarterback coming into the league in 2017 is ready to win at the NFL level right now.

No wonder the Chicago Bears are reportedly high on none other than Mike Glennon if they cannot land Garoppolo.

Don’t be surprised if Garoppolo never leaves New England this offseason. The Patriots aren’t going to let him go without landing a king’s ransom in return. They can happily hang onto him another year without any worry whatsoever, though they’d love to land something for his services without having to worry about his contract after the 2017 season.

And they might still sucker one desperate team into giving up the farm for Garoppolo’s services. Either way, the Patriots will win.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

131FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:00



komentarisao sam kamaradesima jutros da je nfl draft ponuda toliko losa na mestu qb da ja to video nisam jos od 2007 godine. ovo sto se nudi je toliko lose da je ta situacija dovela da igraci poput Mike Glennon budu trazeni. zalosno vreme nas ceka kada se povuku Brejdi, Ben, Zeka , Ilija, Dru i Filip.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

132FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:06



Plakat će se nemilice kad Crne Mambe krenu bacat frnjoke...

If you want to run, run a mile.

If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.

If you want to talk to God, run an ultra.

133FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:12

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Dule a kakva je situacija sa narednim draftovima sto se QB tice? Jel ima neki pravi kvalitet poput Brady, Zeke itd? Naravno ne moze se to znati sad, ali da deluje kao pravi beli QB, a ne ovi hibridi

134FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:13



valjda posle ove godine bude se malo zamislilo oko pravljenja pro stil qb na koledzu.
nadam se da berba 2018 biti bolja jer je i najava takva. Darnold, Allen i Rosen bi bili laganica ove godine no.1, no.2. no.3 a pitbul Garet no.4

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

135FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:37

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

znaci Glennon ce dobiti 14-15m

136FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:45



tako kazu

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

137FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:47



zaboravio sam da spomenem qb Jake Browning sa Was. Lamala Dzeksona namerno ne spominjem jer znate da sam ljubitelj crnih mambi .

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

138FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 11:48



Mike Glennon - QB - Buccaneers
According to Yahoo's Charles Robinson, "multiple NFL sources" anticipate free agent Mike Glennon landing a deal worth $14-15 million per year.
It's only $3-4 million short of last year's Brock Osweiler benchmark. (Osweiler landed $18 million annually from the Texans.) Glennon showed plus decision-making skills as an 18-game starter his first two years in the league, but he is timid in the pocket and a poor downfield passer, offering what amounts to a game-manager skill set. He may end up as 2017's most overpaid free agent.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

139FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:12

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

dr.dule ::zaboravio sam da spomenem qb Jake Browning sa Was. Lamala Dzeksona namerno ne spominjem jer znate da sam ljubitelj crnih mambi .
Mislis na Lamara ili ima neki drugi Lamal?

140FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:20



ma na tog klovna. greska u pisanju.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

141FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:23

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

dr.dule ::Mike Glennon - QB - Buccaneers
According to Yahoo's Charles Robinson, "multiple NFL sources" anticipate free agent Mike Glennon landing a deal worth $14-15 million per year.
It's only $3-4 million short of last year's Brock Osweiler benchmark. (Osweiler landed $18 million annually from the Texans.) Glennon showed plus decision-making skills as an 18-game starter his first two years in the league, but he is timid in the pocket and a poor downfield passer, offering what amounts to a game-manager skill set. He may end up as 2017's most overpaid free agent.
mali je uzorak meceva da bi se govorilo sa sigurnoscu, al ja kad bih morao da biram za svoj tim pre bih uzeo Glennona nego Osweilera i to ne kazem zbog ove sezone Osweilera, nego i zbog onog sto smo videli u Denveru

142FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:29



pa taj Glenon bio krsina takva da je pre nego Tampa resila da tankuje za klovna, popio klupu koliko se secam.
takva panika je zahvatila pojedine timove da misle da se od govana pita moze praviti. dobro tankovace oni ovu sezonu. mada za neke nade nema poput Brownsa. ti ni vola ne mogu da pogode.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

143FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:32

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

mozda Cle nesto i uradi, Garet, pa posle ako ubodu i 12. picka..

144FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 12:39



prica se da bi i Browns i SF trejdovali dole.
ono sto sam ja citao da skoro da i nema ekipe koja bi isla gore za neke velike pare sto bi se reklo.
kikiriki pikovi ce biti u opticaju.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

145FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 23:31

Zona do trona

Zona do trona
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

dr.dule ::Mike Glennon - QB - Buccaneers
According to Yahoo's Charles Robinson, "multiple NFL sources" anticipate free agent Mike Glennon landing a deal worth $14-15 million per year.
It's only $3-4 million short of last year's Brock Osweiler benchmark. (Osweiler landed $18 million annually from the Texans.) Glennon showed plus decision-making skills as an 18-game starter his first two years in the league, but he is timid in the pocket and a poor downfield passer, offering what amounts to a game-manager skill set. He may end up as 2017's most overpaid free agent.

Ha ha,pokojni Mike Glennon da dobije ovo lovu! Shocked

Covek i dok je igrao je bio tezak krs, Yahoo je ocigledno pomislio da je vec 1.april.

146FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 23:33



cudne se stvari desavaju. imamo pola lige koji su ocajni za qb, pola od ostale polovine imaju veterane i ostaje nam 8 timova koji kao nemaju problem a ustvari imaju ga jer imaju crne mambe ili sumnive resurse za qb.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

147FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 23:39



Ja bih kao vlasnik zveknuo GM-a koji bi i spomenuo tu opciju.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell

148FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 23:44



Tyrod Taylor ako bude otpusten sutra , bice najveci hit na FA pijaci. verovali ili ne.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

149FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Pon 06 Mar 2017, 23:47



Sve se priprema za Bledsoe reprizu Very Happy

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell

150FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Empty Re: FA pijaca 2017 Uto 07 Mar 2017, 08:29



The 2017 calendar has jammed the end of the Scouting Combine and the start of free agency closer together than ever before, with the workouts in Indianapolis ending on Monday and the free agency period opening on Tuesday. (Hopefully, future NFL calendars will return to the one-week buffer.)

Specifically, the annual two-day negotiating period launches at 12:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday. (Yes, we’ve already written about the annual legal tampering period memo; however, some believe that, because free agency opens on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. ET, the negotiating window opens on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ET.)

Here’s a post with the do’s and don’ts for talking to unrestricted free agents-to-be. For you, there’s one of each: (1) do park on PFT throughout the next week, constantly refreshing the page; and (2) don’t go anywhere else, because we’re still the only media outlet that gives you everything you need in one place, with maximum information and minimal fat and only one agenda — to give you everything you need in one place with maximum information and minimal fat.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

FA pijaca 2017 - Page 6 Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

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