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American Football Conference (AFC)

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1American Football Conference (AFC) Empty American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 16 Dec 2019, 11:39


Executive team
Executive team

NFL Post Season Probabilities

Texans 99%
Steelers 55%
Titans 43%
Colts 2%
Browns 1%
Raiders 1%

Anything is possible regarding the NFL playoff picture over the final two weeks of the 2019 season, so the Texans can't feel comfortable, and the Titans can't afford to pack it in. Say the Texans go 0-2: If the Titans do win out, that would be the only way for them to win the division.

Steelers and Titans still have identical records. The Steelers have the tiebreaker for now with a better conference record, 6-4 vs. 6-5. That situation wouldn't change if both teams finish 2-0.

Say the Titans win out and the Steelers go 1-1: The Titans are then 10-6, the Steelers are 9-7, and Tennessee is the playoffs.
Say the Titans go 1-1, beating the Saints but losing to the Texans, and the Steelers go 1-1, losing to either the Jets in Week 16 or the Ravens in Week 17: The Steelers also get in with a better conference record in that scenario.
Say the Titans go 1-1, losing to the Saints but beating the Texans, and the Steelers go 1-1. Both teams would be 9-7 overall and 7-5 in conference play. The tiebreaker would come down to strength of victory, which tilts toward Tennessee.

The Colts can still win the division, but they must win out. Essentially the Texans and Titans would BOTH need to finish at 9-7, which means one very important thing: they both need to lose in Week 16. The Texans must lose in the Week 17 rematch. These aren’t impossible scenarios. So in short, if all three teams finish at 9-7, the Colts would have the tiebreaker over them. The Colts would have the tiebreaker since they would have “the best record in common games”.

The Browns must win their final two games. The Titans and Steelers each must lose their final two games to finish 8-8. Also, the Colts must lose at least one of their final three to finish no better than 8-8. According to the NFL tiebreaking procedures, a tie among three or more teams for a Wild Card spot first deals with divisional tiebreakers to reduce the number of teams. If Browns, Titans, Steelers, Colts, Raiders tie -- Browns win (based on best conference record).

The Oakland Raiders (6-8 ) lost to the Jacksonville Jaguars on Sunday, but their chances of making the playoffs remained less than 1 percent. Even if the Raiders won out while both the Steelers and Titans lost out, that wouldn't necessarily guarantee a playoff berth for Oakland, as both the Colts and Browns currently sit ahead of the Raiders in the AFC playoff hunt. Ultimately, in order to qualify for the postseason, the Raiders are going to have to handle their own business and get a lot of help from other results.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis


Executive team
Executive team

Svi pominju sanse Rejdersa, posto im se poklopilo proslo kolo, ali najzanimljivije ce biti ako svi izgube

Ako Stilersi izgube od Rejvensa, Tajtansi od Teksansa, Dzeguarsi od Koltsa i Rejdersi od Bronkosa
Pitsburg je u plejofu Laughing

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis



Ako svi izgube, zar Titansi nisu u PO? Oni su trenutno ispred vas.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell


Executive team
Executive team

SymphonyX ::Ako svi izgube, zar Titansi nisu u PO? Oni su trenutno ispred vas.
nisu jer bi pob Koltsa neutralisala tu ''tezinu rasporeda''
e sad ako se poklope 3/4 mislim da bi oni isli, sem naravno u slucaju da Rejdersi trijumfuju a ostali izgube sto bi znacilo da Oklend ide dalje

In this three-way tie at 8-8, the Colts eliminate the Titans due to a better in-division record (4-2 vs. 3-3). The tiebreaker then becomes head-to-head between the Steelers and the Colts, and the Steelers beat them, 26-24, back in Week 9.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis



e stvarno je jadan AFC kada osakaceni Pit ima jos sanse da udje u PO.

2023 Patriots: there’s no team they can’t lose

American Football Conference (AFC) Patriots---eliot-wolf-jerod-mayo

“You either execute and win, or you don’t. That’s where we are at.”

6American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Čet 26 Dec 2019, 13:41

Niger iz huda

Niger iz huda
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Dobili su Remse kuci. Very Happy

NFC nema tu ekipu zbog koje bi ti bilo zao sto propusta PO. kafa


Executive team
Executive team

Steelers, Titans to make history
For just the sixth time since the AFL-NFL merger, two undefeated teams with at least five wins play each other. Winner of Sunday's game have some pretty significant history on their side. The five previous teams that won their matchup of undefeated squads with five-plus wins ended up representing their conference in the Super Bowl. Twice, the winner of that game went onto hoist the Lombardi Trophy.

Steelers are 6-0 for second time in franchise history, tying the 1978 Super Bowl team. The Steelers have now opened nine seasons in franchise history with victories in its first two road games (2020, 2010, 2005, 1999, 1992, 1983, 1979, 1978 and 1975).

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis


Executive team
Executive team

The Steelers are the 18th team in the Super Bowl era to start a season 10-0.
10 reached the Super Bowl -- the most recent being the 2015 Carolina Panthers.
And six of the previous 17 teams won the Super Bowl, most recently the 2009 New Orleans Saints.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis


Executive team
Executive team

Ukoliko Cifsi pobjede sve utakmice do kraja regularne sezone (imaju skor 15-1), a Stilersi takodje budu imali identican skor (15-1) najvjerovatnije bi se poglavice nasli kao prvoplasirana ekipa na rang listi (ukratko zbog strength of victory).

Prvi tiebraker je medjusobni skor - kojeg nece biti, sledeci je AFC skor - Cifsi imaju jedan poraz od AFC ekipa za sad i zato su u podredjenom polozaju. Medjutim, ukoliko Stilerse savladaju Rejvensi ili Bilsi ta prednost bi nestala, jer bi se onda gledao sledeci tiebraker a to je zajednicke utakmice, a oni su vec savladali i jedne i druge.

Dakle, jedine dvije ekipe od kojih bi Stilersi potencijalno mogli dozvoliti luksuz da izgube tu jednu utakmicu, a da ostanu prvoplasirani su Vasington i Sinsinati.

Interesantno je zapaziti da ovogodisnje prosirenje plejofa bas utice na najbolje ekipe, jer je velika razlika izmedju prve 2 i ostalih timova - 94% je sansa da ove 2 ekipe zauzmu neke od prve 2 pozicije. A opet jedna od njih ce ostati bez slobodne nedelje. Pojedinacno (trenutno) sanse se daju:
PIT 1. pozicija 59.4%   2. pozicija   34.4%
KC 1. pozicija 40.0%   2. pozicija   55.9%

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

10American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 10:09


Executive team
Executive team

Čifsi su preuzeli prvu poziciju u konferenciji, ne samo zahvaljujući tome što sad imaju bolji skor od Pitsburga, već i zato što su Stilersi izgubili zajedničkog protivnika i još od AFC ekipe pa sad Čifsi imaju bolji skor u konferenciji. To znači da mogu da izgube jednu utakmicu od Seintsa ili Falkonsa, a da i dalje ostanu prvoplasirana ekipa.

S obzirom na trenutno stanje stvari na terenu, izranjavanom Pitsburgu bi mnogo više značila ta nedelja odmora. Kanzas Siti će svakako igrati dobro, djeluju da imaju više energije trenutno.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

Zver likes this post

11American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 10:44



Nek dobiju Svece. Smile
Bice to sjajan mec

Bas mi jak mi AFC nekako ove godine. Bar tako deluje...

Britva? Kakva bičarka? Nije skretničar nego ašov.

12American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 10:46



Usrali ste motku, a imali prvo mjesto na tanjiru.

Srednja klasa AFC-a dosta jaka, nema tu mnogo contendera.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell

13American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 11:00

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Gubi Pitt bar jos jednu.

14American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 11:03


Executive team
Executive team

Usrala je liga sa ovim otimanjem nedelje odmora za drugoplasiranu ekipu.

Slazem se da je trebalo prosiriti plejof, ova cifra 14 od 32 mi je idealna, ali ne i otimanje bye week jer se uzima uspjesnijoj ekipi. Trebali su 6. i 7. da igraju wild card. A onda od sledece runde kao i do sad sto je bilo.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

15American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 11:08

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Mada se 100 puta pokazalo da bye week samo izbaci tim iz ritma, a ne donese uvek benefit neki.

16American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 11:18


Executive team
Executive team

Nas je izbacio iz ritma 2017/18
Ali npr Petriotsima je mnogo znacila pauza svih ovih sezona. Iskoristili su je da postanu skroz druga ekipa za plejof. Rekao sam prosle sezone cim su izgubili bye week da ce ispasti. I to se desilo od Tenesija.

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

17American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 14 Dec 2020, 11:28

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Steelers ::Nas je izbacio iz ritma 2017/18
Da, te sezone mi je Pitt bio top za gledanje zbog Bella i AB.

18American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Ned 27 Dec 2020, 22:34


Executive team
Executive team

1. Kanzas Siti Čifsi 14-1 ŠAMPIONI AFC West divizije
2. Pitsburg Stilersi 12-3 ŠAMPIONI AFC North divizije
3. Bufalo Bilsi 11-3 ŠAMPIONI AFC East divizije
4. Tenesi Tajtansi 10-5
5. Majami Dolfinsi 10-5
6. Baltimor Rejvensi 10-5
7. Klivlend Braunsi 10-5
8 Indijanapolis Koltsi 10-5

1. Kanzas siti Čifsi su sigurni učesnici plejofa kao šampioni AFC West, a takođe su i sigurno na prvoj poziciji čime su obezbjedili nedelju odmora.

2. Pitsburg Stielrsi su sigurni učesnici plejofa kao šampioni AFC North. Iako bi pobijedili Braunse u poslednjem kolu, da bi bili na 2. poziciji pred plejof Bilsi moraju izgubiti makar 1 utakmicu.

3. Bufalo Bilsi su sigurni učesnici plejofa kao šampioni AFC East. Sa pobjedom protiv Petriotsa i Dolfinsa obezbijedili bi 2. poziciju i domaćinstvo u vajld kard i potencijalnoj divizijskoj rundi.

4. 5. 6. 7. sa pobjedom su u plejofu, ukoliko izgube zavise i od rezultata drugih utakmica.

8. Koltsi ne zavise samo od sebe. Ukoliko Baltimor, Tenesi, Klivlend i Majami pobjede - Koltsi ispadaju

Poslednji izmenio Steelers dana Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:24, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

19American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 08:37

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Bas zanimljiva situacija

20American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:25


Executive team
Executive team

da, pet ekipa sa istim skorom. apdejtovao sam listu nakon utakmice Tenesija
svi su pricali kako ce sedam ekipa u plejofu biti previse i da ce mozda ulaziti ekipe 8-8, 9-7, a evo ove godine mozda ni skor 11-5 ne bude dovoljan

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

21American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:30

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Voleo bih da ispadnu Mia ili Cle. I jedni i drugi su teski za gledanje.

Neverovatno da ce neko ispasti sa tako dobrim skorom i to u prosirenom PO.

22American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:36


Executive team
Executive team

Peyton Manning ::Voleo bih da ispadnu Mia ili Cle. I jedni i drugi su teski za gledanje.

Neverovatno da ce neko ispasti sa tako dobrim skorom i to u prosirenom PO.
bas, pogotovo Majami
a Klivlend nikako da udje u ritam i bude konstantan, mada je bilo momenata tokom sezone kad su zasluzili plejof

American Football Conference (AFC) Potpis

23American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:41

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Steelers ::
Peyton Manning ::Voleo bih da ispadnu Mia ili Cle. I jedni i drugi su teski za gledanje.

Neverovatno da ce neko ispasti sa tako dobrim skorom i to u prosirenom PO.
bas, pogotovo Majami
a Klivlend nikako da udje u ritam i bude konstantan, mada je bilo momenata tokom sezone kad su zasluzili plejof
Bilo je momenata, ali bilo je i za Mia, koji rotira dva QB, pola tima povredjeno itd. Vise bih voleo njih nego Cle, tj zasluzili su vise.

24American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 09:47



Miami je težak za gledanje dok igra Tuica. Kad uđe Ficmagija to odjednom postaje poezija.

...Sa Vajominškog Univerziteta

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25American Football Conference (AFC) Empty Re: American Football Conference (AFC) Pon 28 Dec 2020, 10:19

Niger iz huda

Niger iz huda
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


Pored OBJa za kog znamo da je zavrsena sezona, sinoc igrali bez Lendrija i Higinsa koji su pozitivni na COVID. Henson morao da gugla prezime jednog WR Klivlenda. lol!

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